In NH we value that everyone lives freely, but that means ensuring everyone has equal opportunity to thrive.  We know that organizations strive to ensure this opportunity by providing high quality services that are accessible to all – yet achieving this can be challenging. Many of us have simply not had access to training about an effective approach that would turn our goals into broader success.

The good news is that a roadmap exists; the Culturally Effective Organizations (CEOrgs) Framework is the roadmap that enables, cultivates, and supports the delivery of high-quality services for all people.  This issue brief introduces the seven fundamental elements in a framework grounded in literature from nationally-recognized entities to guide the development of culturally effective organizations – foundational on the path to equity.

The Culturally Effective Organizations Framework ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT is a quality improvement tool for organizations and service providers in many domains including health, healthcare, human, social service, people-serving, education, and non-profit organizations.  Results from this high level assessment can inform an organization’s quality improvement efforts around each of the seven framework elements that, if operationalized, collectively help assure that organizations have capacity to provide high quality care, programs, and services to all.

Check out the Culturally Effective Organizations Framework Online Digital Toolkit, developed by Southern NH AHEC Center for Cultural Effectiveness in partnership with Amoskeag Health, with support from the Culturally Effective Organizations Work Group.  It includes a toolkit overview webinar to assist on the journey to becoming a culturally effective organization and providing high quality services for all.

The Culturally Effective Organizations (CEOrgs) Work Group is focused on supporting organizations to learn about the essential pathways for success.  Offerings include:  

  • The Why of Organizational Cultural Effectiveness – presentation for organization leaders
  • Introduction to the Culturally Effective Organizations Framework – 90-180 minute workshop
  • Culturally Effective Organizations Framework ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT tool
  • In-depth exploration of each of the framework elements
  • Coaching and technical assistance tailored to the organization’s needs.

The CEOrgs Work Group’s purpose is to “Increase organizational cultural effectiveness and improve the capacity of organizations in NH to provide high quality services to all populations (especially racial, ethnic and linguistic minorities) by incorporating the elements of a culturally effective organization“.

Join us! We meet the afternoon of the fourth Tuesday of the month from 1-3pm EST. For further information please contact the work group co-chairs, Dr. Trinidad Tellez and Maria Doyle, at [email protected].