This priority is to “increase a diversified workforce to support economic opportunities for racial, ethnic and linguistic minorities and all populations in NH“.

Check out our compilations of best practices issue briefs:

The Workforce Diversity Work Group (WDWG) is not currently meeting regularly.

  • In 2018-2019, the WDWG conducting a qualitative assessment of NH employer perspectives on workforce diversity.  Work group members identified almost 40 organizations of potential interest from multiple sectors and conducted over 20 interviews. The findings inform the development of NH-tailored materials that highlight the benefits of increasing diversity in the workplace, including an interactive presentation.
  • The WDWG collaborates with the Diversity Workforce Coalition (DWC)’s Annual Diversity Workforce Splash Event – collaborating on the annual award, and often presenting at the conference.
  • WDWG members also aim to identify NH Businesses that are demonstrating successful diverse hiring, retention, promotion, and advancement outcomes and creating inclusive and supportive company cultures to recognize them as workforce diversity champions.

For further information contact chair Bobbie Bagley (Director, Division of Public Health and Community Services in Nashua) or email [email protected].